11 August, 2011

07 August, 2011

Trying to play around with the monochrome, all pictures bellow have - toning effect: blue. The difference in the ISO and with/without flash (I think that's it). Unfortunatly can't remember what's what..
First picture on top is fully automatic, just to compare colour wize.

01 August, 2011

Not exactly sure what the ISO is, but learnt that a low (100 is the lowest, 1600 the highest..) one makes the shutter close longer and if you are not still and/or your object isn't (yeah, ask a one year old not to move...) then you will see movement, or even transparency.

Oh, and a darkish room and no flash!

(love this one.. )

I wonder what a steady one would yield.. (but that's an experiment for another time..)